This is the one section on my site that I kinda feel I need to pull rank because a lot of people seem to close their shutters when it comes to homeopathy: I have a Ph.D. in nuclear physics from M.I.T. and I worked years as a research scientist. A critical mind is something I was trained to have because otherwise you wouldn’t last a minute in this highly competitive environment. Unfortunately, there are few people I know who are both: knowledgeable physicists with a profound understanding of homeopathy. They come in either one or the other flavor. Which makes a fruitful discussion difficult.

As so many, I came in touch with homeopathy through someone close to me, and I tackled it like any another science problem: looking for data, gathering first-hand experience and talking to knowledgeable people in the field. After some time I looked at what I had gathered and formed my own conclusion based on all available input.

If what I’ve said so far scares you, you would rather only read something written by someone who is guaranteed to share your views, and you’d rather not be challenged in your safe and comfy world (be that as a militant skeptic slamming homeopathy or a died-in-the-wool homeopathic believer who thinks homeopathy will cure every disease and singlehandedly bring happiness to the world) then you’d better stop right here. I can’t vouch for your emotional equilibrium either way.

But if you have an open mind, are filled with curiosity rather than pre-packaged believes then you’re the right person to read on.

A walk-through guide to ace the follow-up prescription.

Of course, as homeopaths, we all know that Hahnemann left us two ground breaking books to teach us homeopathy. Do I need to name them? — The Organon and The Chronic Diseases. And as sure as pizza at a party, you’ll find those two books on the reading list of every student of homeopathy. But…

Auf den Spuren Constantin Herings in Surinam

(My apologies to my non-German speaking readers. I wrote this article years ago in German and haven’t translated it to English yet. For the time being, you can use this link to read a bad machine translation to English.) Ein amerikanischer Homöopath hat einmal zu mir gesagt: „Die Deutschen können stolz darauf sein, einen Samuel…

Wird geladen …

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